
Sharing knowledge about the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Time: 13h30-14h00
  • Location: 1. Louis Verhaegen
  • Level: Beginner
  • Type: Keynote

Back in 2015 a total of 193 members of the United Nations agreed to the 17 Sustainable Developments Goals to be reached by the year 2030. But the UN isn't able to reach the billions of people on its own to have them work on achieving the SDGs. Meanwhile Wikimedia have billions of pageviews every month. What is the opportunity for synergy here?



Jan started contributing to the commons a long time ago as a Wikipedian and later became the CEO of Wikimedia Sverige after co-founding the chapter and being its chairman. Then he started a consultancy called Open by Default, in which he walked 1200 km through Sweden evangelizing on the need for open data in the municipalities to further the Sustainable Development Goals. Lately he was a policy advisor on digital issues in the European Parliament for a Swedish green MEP. Now he is a Codebase Steward at the Foundation for Public Code helping public organizations collaborate on open source software.


Foundation for Public Code

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